.NET Console Applications (non-Core)
Install the StackExchange.Exceptional
nuget package via:
Install-Package StackExchange.Exceptional
If setting up a console application, I encourage you to check out the Console sample project, it has all of the below in a proper context.
App.Config example pieces:
<section name="Exceptional" type="StackExchange.Exceptional.ConfigSettings, StackExchange.Exceptional"/>
<Exceptional applicationName="Samples.Console">
<!-- Error messages to ignore (optional) -->
<add name="connection suuuuuuuucks" pattern="Request timed out\.$" />
<!-- Error types to ignore, e.g. <add type="System.Exception" /> or -->
<add type="MyNameSpace.MyException" />
<!-- Error log store to use -->
<ErrorStore type="Memory" />
<!--<ErrorStore type="JSON" path="~\Errors" size="200" rollupSeconds="300" />-->
<!--<ErrorStore type="SQL" connectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Exceptions;Uid=Exceptions;Pwd=iloveerrors" />-->
This is all optional, you can setup completely via code as well. Examples:
Exceptional.Configure(new ExceptionalSettings() { DefaultStore = new SQLErrorStore(_connectionString,"My Application") });
…then to log exceptions:
Optional Configuration
If you want to store some custom key/value style data with an exception, you can use .AddLogData
extension method, for example:
exception.AddLogData("Example string", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString())
.AddLogData("User Id", "You could fetch a user/account Id here, etc.")
.AddLogData("Links get linkified", "https://www.google.com");
…and these pairs will appear on the error detail screen in a “Custom” section and in the CustomData
dictionary of Exceptional.Error